What are 5 types of SQL injection?

  • In-band SQL injection. An attacker uses this technique to compromise a web application by inserting malicious SQL injection code into any available input fields. ...
  • Error-based SQL injection. ...
  • UNION-based SQL injection. ...
  • Blind (inferential) SQL Injection. ...
  • Out-of-band SQL Injection.
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What are different types of SQL injection?

Types of SQL Injections. SQL injections typically fall under three categories: In-band SQLi (Classic), Inferential SQLi (Blind) and Out-of-band SQLi. You can classify SQL injections types based on the methods they use to access backend data and their damage potential. Lees verder »

What are the most common SQL injections?

In-band SQL injection is the most frequent and commonly used SQL injection attack. The transfer of data used in in-band attacks can either be done through error messages on the web or by using the UNION operator in SQL statements. Lees verder »

What is an example of a SQL injection?

Some common SQL injection examples include: Retrieving hidden data, where you can modify a SQL query to return additional results. Subverting application logic, where you can change a query to interfere with the application's logic. UNION attacks, where you can retrieve data from different database tables. Lees verder »

What are the symptoms of SQL injection?

  • Large volume of queries with unexpected structure.
  • Frequent redirects, ads and popups linked to your website.
  • Access request to database metadata and structure information.
  • Requests about the structure of dynamic SQL queries, as performed by other users.
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